An Ayurvedic Purification Purge
According to the ancient teachings of Ayurveda, there are three doshas called vata, pitta, and kapha. These three doshas act as the guiding principles that keep all our bodily functions balanced and healthy.
It is the induction of purgation for the management of Pitta Dosha predominant disorders. To eliminate the Doshas through the rectal route with the effect of oral medications. It is extremely useful in Weight loss, Dermatological problems, Skin infections, Chronic fevers, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic G.I.T. diseases (Acidity), Gout, loss of appetite, reproductive disorders and all Pittaja Disorders. 6 to 7 days are required for the complete therapy.
Feeling of cleanliness in the channels and sense organs, lightness in the body, increase of appetite etc. are the symptoms of well administered Virechana.
As a result of poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle not only do the doshas become imbalanced but the digestive fire [agni] soon becomes impaired.
As the digestive fire becomes disturbed, food no longer is able to be properly digested and the undigested food then accumulates within the G.I. tract. allowing for toxicity [i.e. fermentation, putrefaction].
Typically, the oleation process of snehana takes place during a few days. During these several days, one would be instructed to drink melted ghee [clarified butter] on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. The amount of ghee to be ingested is specified by a qualified ayurvedic professional as the amounts typically increase daily throughout the few days. Generally, on the third or fourth day, the person is instructed to skip dinner, take a hot tub bath, then undergo purgation [“virechana”] by ingesting castor oil or other laxatives which are properly indicated.
According to Indian Ayurveda system, at this time of the year i.e. Sharad Ritu (Autumn Season) the Pitta content of the body is naturally high due to the period being termed as “Pitta Prakopa Kaala”. Detoxification helps in taking out the disturbed Doshas (Toxins) out of the body and increase the efficiency of the Body and mind
Virechan is the second among the five karmas of Pancha karma. Virechan karma is to address pitta induced diseases. Excess bile (pitta) accumulated in the liver, small intestine, can cause skin problems, nausea, jaundice, fever, vomiting etc… Virechan is the method of flushing out accumulated pitta dosha elements from the body to create a healthy state.