Janu Basti
The knee joint is called Janu Sandhi in Sanskrit. The name janu basti is given to the Panchakarma procedure done over the knee joint area. It gives great relief form the pain and stiffness associated with knee pain.
It is a procedure in which comfortably warm medicated oil is kept over the Knee area or any adjacent part affected for a certain period of time with the help of a boundary made by dough of black gram. Prior to this procedure thorough Oleation is done by medicated Oils along with fomentation (Nadi Sweda) of the knee joints. These procedures when done regularly over a period of 2 -3 weeks give beneficial results in Osteo-arthritis, Knee-sprains, Pain, Swelling or Stiffness over knee Joints etc.
The procedure requires 40-45 minutes daily and done for 14 to 21 days.