Immunity Development

Bhagwati Ayurveda & Panchkarma Research Centre/Immunity Development

An Ayurveda Immune Booster for Children:

Swarna Prashana: Boost a Childs Immunity

Swarna Prashana is included in the 16 Sanskaars which are described in the Hindu Mythology. Its importance lies in:
  • Uplifting the Immune system of the child.
  • Enhancing the physical, mental and overall growth of the child.
  • Improving the digestive power of the child.
  • Help the kids fight the recurring infections and do not fall ill frequently.
  • Helps in clearance of the voice and speech of child.

What is it Swarna Prashana:

Swarna Prashana is one of sixteen samskaras mentioned in ancient texts for paediatrics. It is a unique method to build long-lasting health and intellect naturally without leaving any harmful side effects.

Since ancient times, our ancestors passed their best practices of holistic lifestyle to their next generations. Over a period of time, they became a ritual that got integrated into their day to day life. These series of rituals are known as samskaras. They are connected with the major events of life such as pregnancy, childbirth, naming ceremony, education, marriage, etc. These samskaras enables us to live a complete fulfilling physical and spiritual life.

Swarna prashana is a unique method of giving Swarna Bhasma (gold ash) mixed with honey and ghee that is fortified with arka, a herbal extracts like Vacha, Brahmi, shankupushpi, etc. to children orally.

Swarna Bhasma (Gold ash – purified, in nanoparticles size) is mixed with several herbs like Vacha, Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Shankhapushpi with Cow’s pure ghee and honey. It is given to the kids in drops format.

Pushya Nakshatra : An Auspicious Day for Your Childs Immunity Enhancement

According to Indian Ayurveda system, this day is considered an auspicious day as administrating drugs on this day seem very effective in terms of action as its related to gold and herbs. Swarna prashana, an Ayurvedic way to build immunity for kids, is promoting pushya as main day for its administration.

What are the health benefits of Swarna Prashana?

Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) contains pure gold in the form of ash and some other herbs that are known to enhance the immune power of the body. Infants and children up to the age of 5 years have a low Immunity and hence are vulnerable to infections. Administration of Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) in recommended doses can help to build a strong Immunity and reduce chances of common infections such as cough, cold and fever.

Swarna Prashan accelerates the process of digestion and hence improves the absorption of essential nutrients from food. Many children often suffer from gastric discomfort and reduced appetite. Swarna Prashan improves appetite and thus promotes healthy body growth.

Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) can improve attention and the grasping power in children. It is also known to enhance the memory. Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) seems to be very important for improving brain health in children.

Swarna Prashan can effectively reduce temper and tantrums. Due to its calming effects on mind, Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) seems extremely beneficial in children with special needs such as autism, learning difficulties, attention deficit disorder and hyper activity.

Swarna Prashan is known to improve the sense of hearing and vision.

Swarna Prashan improves the blood circulation in the body and also stimulates the nervous system, thereby leading to overall good physical and Mental Health.

Good skin is a sign of good health. Swarna Prashan expels the unwanted toxins from the body causing total body de-toxification. It also improves the blood circulation which further results in improved skin texture and imparts glow to the skin.

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    What Does Swarna Prashana Contain & How Does It Work?

    Swarna Bhasma (Gold ash – purified, in nanoparticles size) is mixed with several herbs like Vacha, Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Shankhapushpi with Cow’s pure ghee and honey. It is given to the kids in drops format.

    As the vaccines provide antibodies against the various infections & diseases, similarly Swarna Prashana Drops provide health cover to the kids by enhancing the total immune system of the body.

    Swarna Prashana Drops should be administered to the kids in following formats –
    01. On every Pushya Nakshatra (as Astronomical formations link with better nourishment values)
    02. On daily basis (according to the age of a child)
    • Birth to 5 years – 1 drop daily
    • 5 yrs to 10 yrs – 2 drops daily
    • 10 yrs to 16 yrs – 3 drops daily
    Why it should be done? Swarna Prashana is recommended in your kid if she/he is having following health issues –
    • Falls ill frequently with fever, cough & cold, running nose etc.
    • Low appetite (does not eat food according to his /her age).
    • Frequent irritable behaviour Weak digestion, Frequent loose motions.
    • Lack of concentration while studying.
    • Speech/voice problems – clarity not present.

    Precautions to be kept in mind – give the drops early in the morning to the kids. Do not feed them for half an hours after giving the drops.

    * * Swarna Prashana drops should not be given in fever.

    For more details/query: send us your feedback at


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