Facial Paralysis
A girl aged 13 yrs of age reported to us with chief complaints of deviation of her face towards her right hand side, not able to eat or drink properly and the left eyelid was not completely closing.
The case was diagnosed as ‘Ardita‘ – Facial Paralysis and treatment was desinged on Ayurvedic lines.
The patient was administered Nasya Karma which was performed after proper external oleation (Snehana – Massage) with Vatahara Oil followed by fomentation done with the vapours of decoction of Dashmoola (Dashmoola Kwatha). This was folloed by Shirodhara done with Dashmoola Kwath mixed with Milk.
The procedures of Panchakarma were performed along with internal medication for about 15 days. Internal medication was continued for 2 months.
After the full course of the treatment the deviation of face was corrected to a large extent along with the complete closure of the Right eyelid. The patient was able to eat and drink properly after the full course of the treatment.